Bodhi Network is a QTUM-based predictive market platform. The platform will leverage the advantages of the state-of-the-art decentralized prediction markets by integrating third-party Oracles and decentralized voting via its Oracle abstraction layer. Within the platform token holders will be allowed to create and vote on prediction events, in case the vote is consistent with the predicted value generated by Oracle the token holders will be reward with BOT tokens in exchange. _The official Bodhi Network ticker is “BOT” and trades under that name on all the exchanges where it has been listed. The designation “BODHI” is for only._ _The Bodhi project, which was a decentralized prediction market, has migrated from the QTUM and Ethereum blockchain to its own blockchain - Naka Chain. Naka Bodhi Token (NBOT) is the governance token for the Naka Chain. The original two tokens (BOT and BOE) have been merged into one with a fixed ratio of 1 BOT = 0.59 NBOT and 1 BOE = 0.41 NBOT._