BOX aims to offer a secure, convenient and streamlined crypto asset management system for institutional investment, audit risk control and crypto-exchange platforms. It achieves this by using cryptographically secure offline network including the flow of approvals, private blockchain technology, and communication security. BOX achieve integration of technologies and fundamentally solve the industry security issues such as the theft of private keys and the falsification of directives. The BOX system uses a single private key to manage all cryptocurrencies. BOX uses a multi-person multi-password method to automatically generate a private key by using an algorithm in a signature machine, and then generate a public key from the private key. The partners who have the highest authority only have a part of the dynamic password which provides him with a shared governance on the private key. ***The official BOX Token ticker is “BOX” and trades under that name on all the exchanges where it has been listed. The designation “BOXT” is for only.***