TaleCraft leverages a brand new type of NFT minting process that balances game design and scarcity, designed to produce a sustainable, long-term economy. Crafting Technology achieves this, in part, by burning base cards to craft higher-tier cards, combing scarcity with game theory. Additionally, when chests are opened with $CRAFT, they are both burnt and used for vital liquidity--bolstering the entire game economy. The NFT’s total supply will be determined and balanced by community demand driven by free market principles. [Telegram](https://t.me/talecraft) | [Discord](https://discord.com/invite/dYjRtRqYK6) | [YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMda5%5FkU%5FkXpaq0xoEmxEuQ) | [Medium](https://medium.com/@talecraft) [Whitepaper](https://www.cryptocompare.com/media/39838373/talecraft-whitepaper.pdf)