Users can play DFS games, invest their winnings, and withdraw them quickly to exchanges without facing bots, insider gaming, unfair play or other issues that the current DFS markets face today. DFS feature its own network of unique games exclusively found on Digital Fantasy Sports that no other site has. Instead of complicated verification processes, DFS users can sign up for an online wallet just by using their email. We don’t have any limitations on countries, territories, or nationalities. Everyone can play. With the development and attractions of the cryptocurrency technology, a lot can be done to benefit the players and fans- bringing them more earnings, better cashing out systems as well as more fantasy games. Digital Fantasy Sports has created an ER20 token called DFS that provides a simple secure interface between the players and the league action that they love. DFS is used as an in-game currency on our Digital Fantasy Sports Network creating a transparent network based on Blockchain and Smart Contract technology. ***The official Digital Fantasy Sports ticker is “DFS” and trades under that name on all the exchanges where it has been listed. The designation “DFSPORTS” is for only.***