Factom is a system for securing millions of real-time records in the blockchain with a single hash.Businesses and governments can use Factom to simplify records management, record business processes, and address security and compliance issues.Factom uses the blockchain to power a remarkable range of applications, including audit systems, medical records, supply chain management, voting systems, property titles, legal applications, and financial systems. Download the Factom Whitepaper to understand out how business and governments can use the blockchain technology to improve their services and their profit margins.Factom servers, or nodes, are run by individuals or organizations that apply for a grant to become an Authority Node Operator (ANO). ANOs are selected by a committee based on trustworthiness, professionalism, and volume of work, among other criteria. The top servers ranked by user support will be the Federated Servers, followed by the Audit Servers (considered alternates to step in were a Federated Server to lose support or goes offline). For more information, see Factom Governance documentation.The official Factom ticker is “FCT” and trades under that name on all the exchanges where it has been listed. The designation “FACTOM” is for CryptoCompare.com only.