FLASH is a reinvention of Litecoin, built to scale for worldwide commerce and fast enough to handle everyday transactions. The flexible and easy to integrate core code allows exchanges and wallets to add FLASH to their platform within hours. With a settlement time of around 5 seconds and consensus within 2 minutes, the users can use the FLASH mobile wallet as easily as cash or credit card. FLASH HTM's (Human Teller Machine) a P2P trading network within the mobile wallet able to buy and sell 70+ different crypto's anywhere in the world, dubbed the "Uber of Crypto". Coming this year (2019) will have the ability to buy FLASH with a credit card inside the FLASH Wallet.The official FLASH coin ticker is “FLASH” and trades under that name on all the exchanges where it has been listed. The designation “FLASHC” is for CryptoCompare.com only.