The official token of the Furio rewards system is $FUR (BEP20) on BINANCE SMART CHAIN. This choice of blockchain is based on its low transaction fees, increased security and it’s multi-chain abilities. Furio features a swap function (Furswap), which can be found on the platform’s website under the “SWAP” tab. The internal swap function waives the initial 10% tax on buys on other exchanges. Once purchased, $FUR tokens can be deposited into Furios vault contract (Furvault) which provides a consistent up to 2.5% daily return (up to 360% of the initial principal amount or 100k max payout through compounding). Deposits into the vault are taken out of supply and your account receives a deposit balance. Initial liquidity will be supplied from pre-sale funds. Liquidity is provided in the form of FUR-USDC and will be supplied to Pancakeswaps decentralised swap mechanism. 2% of every buy and sell done through Pancakeswap is automatically added to this liquidity. $FUR is one of the only deflationary daily ROI tokens to pay stakers and referrers from a tax on transactions, not through inflation. It also burns supply on buy and sells. Liquidity is provided in the form of FUR-USDC. This means Furio offers a solution that is not affected by BTC and the wider crypto market’s price fluctuations.