MYID Coin is a project aiming to create a "tagging/wrapping" technology to eliminate risks from loss or theft. MY IDENTITY Coin is part of "The Money Project" used to code OkGlobal Coins with each owners identifying information. MYID Coins are currently an ethereum erc20 token but will migrate to its own unique block due to the functionality limits of ethereum. After migrating to its own unique blockchain, MYID Coins will be operating in an algorithmic mesh with OkGlobal Coin and may be used for other blockchain assets. 40% of the toked distribution is reserved for the team and campaign participants of "The Money Project". The remaining 60% are offered for sale to the public. Proceeds from the ICO and future sales will be used to create and secure/maintain the technology and platform for MYID Coin. Immediate liquidity is available on UNISWAP. There is no lock-in period. Listing MYID coins will begin once the ICO campaign ends by either hitting its hard cap of 50,000 ethereum or running out the 60-day ICO duration.