CryptoPolice is a decentralized platform that aims to bring together the Web community to fight Internet fraud. CryptoPolice main objective is to act as a shieldto protect the internet user from scams. In order to achieve that, any online user can submit an application to CryptoPolice, pointing to any suspicious fact. Then, an Officer reviews the report and delivers a verdict, which subsequently undergoes a multi-level verification process by other Officers. Factual data that has been verified and confirmed is stored in the archive, which forms the basis for the scam notification system named “WatchDog”. OfficerCoin is an Ethereum-based (ERC20) cryptocurrency developed by the CryptoPolice platform. The OFCR token can be used as a medium of exchange value within the platform and deliver on Deployment of Escrow Smart Contracts, Officer Rating System, Ownership Validation, Payment of Rewards, Payments for Services, Appointment as Officer, etc.