Optherium’s Operating System and MultiDecentralized Private Blockchains Network™ fundamentally change blockchain technology, making it highly usable for the banking and finance industry. Optherium Labs, a global fintech company and member of the Linux, Hyperledger, and Crypto Valley foundations, is licensed in the European Union for its fiat-to-crypto and crypto-to-fiat currency exchange and eWallet services. The Optherium Modular Ecosystem utilizes a proprietary, private, MultiDecentralized Private Blockchains NetworkTM, which is MultisecureTM and provides multi-currency transactions. The Ecosystem uses Dynamic BiometricsTM verification and instant multi-signature transaction confirmations on a Hyperledger Platform. The OPEXTM token is a multi-function token designed specifically to cater to the needs of active and passive users of the Optherium Ecosystem. The primary role of OPEXTM is to act as a facilitator (utility) token within the Optherium Ecosystem, eWallet services, B2C and B2B platforms, and the Multi-DecentralizedTM Digital Currency Exchange.