Peaches Protocol is a decentralized Synthetic Stock Tokens (pToken) issuance protocol built on Ethereum. These synthetic stock tokens are collateralized by the Stablecoins like DAI, USDt, USDc or corresponding Stablecoin ULPs and SLPs which when locked in the contract enable the issuance of pTokens. Synthetic Stock Tokens mimic the price behavior of real-world stocks and give traders anywhere in the world open access to price exposure without the implications of owning or trading real stocks. Peaches (PCHS) are Peaches Protocol deflationary governance tokens. Users earn Peaches rewards by farming Peaches and pToken ULPs and SLPs in the Master Garden. Moreover Peaches Protocol will buy Peaches for generated fees, burn half and then transfer the rest for distribution. Generating buying and deflationary pressure. [Telegram](