A Venture builder that creates internet companies in emerging markets based in Southeast Asia. RFOX Finance is the launchpad for RFOX VALT, a fully immersive discovery shopping and retail experience. Users Earn tokens through Yield Farming. $RFOX tokens can be stored on the ETH or BSC blockchain. At this stage, $VFOX will only be stored on the Binance Smart Chain. Farming of RFOX-VFOX will take place in farms on RFOX Finance. Following the launch of VFOX farms you will also be able to purchase BEP-20 RFOX and $VFOX tokens directly through RFOX Finance and PancakeSwap on Binance Smart Chain. [Telegram](https://t.me/redfoxlabs%5Fannouncements) | [Youtube](https://youtube.com/channel/UCjSvr6RFSMlN00mWRiU0mSQ)